Providing world class services

services designed to protect you and your business

When your customer has a problem with one of your parts, they need expert advice. Your employees are experts in their fields, but can they guide your customer through a diagnosis or repair? We, at CarInspector.US, are the leading experts in the automotive inspection and claims review industry. We will be your on-staff expert. Your customers will thank you and so will your accountant!

Technical Support

Learn how to provide FREE technical support to your customers

Technical support is an integral part of our CLAIMS MANAGEMENT program. Once we verifiy that the installer has done their part to validate their warranty, we are able to assist them in properly diagnosing and, often at no expense to you, rectifying the problem. Our staff of experts is willing and, more importantly, able to help your customer with the most difficult problems they may face. Why settle for second place when you can be the leader in your industry? Make the decision to be better than your competition and offer superb technical support to your customers. Contact us now to learn how you can increase your business, decrease your credits, and make your salesmen more productive.
